Welcome to FWN's 10 Questions Interview. We are honored to have the guys from Huffer join us today.
In a FWN first, instead of answering individually, the band joined forces to collectively provide us with answers!
Be sure to catch Huffer in action this Sat., Feb. 4th at Shipping & Receiving w/ North by North (Chicago, IL), Siberian Traps, & Henry the Archer.
Image via Huffer's Facebook Page - Photo by Nicholas Wittwer
1. Dogs or Cats? Why?
Huffer: Raw or cooked?
2. Aliens. Do they exist?
Huffer: Yes, dey turk err jurbz
3. Drug of choice?
Huffer: Scotchgard
4. Brown or white gravy?
Huffer: Yes
5. Favorite weapon of mass destruction?
Huffer: Hot Wings
6. Favorite marsupial?
Huffer: Wallaby
7. Favorite Superhero?
Huffer: Freddie Mercury
8. Did Dez catch it?
Huffer: Does a Pope shit in the woods?
9. When you die, if you were given the choice to come back as any animal, which would you choose?
Huffer: Mick Gallagher
10. The best MJ is: Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, Mike Jones, or Milla Jovovich?
Huffer: Mike Jones because it takes grindin' to be a king
Image via huffertx.com
about the word writer person:
Prewitt Scott-Jackson writes Dad poetry & short fiction when he's not hyping and typing for Fort Worth Noise. His writing can be found in Ghost City Press (New York), Five 2 One Magazine (Los Angeles), Prairie Schooner (University of Nebraska Press) and Sick Lit Magazine (Texas), among others. He prefers short walks on the beach because – and I quote – “It’s really hard to walk on sand.”