Welcome to FWN's 10 Questions Interview. We are honored to have the guys from Always The Alibi join us today.
Instead of answering individually, the band joined forces to collectively provide us with answers!
Be sure to catch ATA in Fort Worth this Sat., March 4th at Hop Fusion Ale Works and a week later on March 11th at Gateway Park in Fort Worth for the Tater Tots & Beer Festival (which btw, sounds like a super tasty festival. I mean, they had us at 'Tater Tots & Beer').
Photo Courtesy of Always The Alibi
1. Dogs or Cats? Why?
Definitely Dogs. Rich (drums) has two and Nick (bass) is allergic to cats.
2. Aliens. Do they exist?
Maybe…the universe is a big place.
3. Drug of choice? (None is not an option btw)
Performing our songs in front of an audience. And of course Shiner Bock.
4. Brown or white gravy? (Neither is not an option btw)
Is there a difference?
5. Favorite weapon of mass destruction?
6. Favorite marsupial?
Wombats. For sure!
7. Favorite Superhero?
Batman or Ironman because they’re just regular dudes that have badass armor suits because they are rich.
8. Did Dez catch it?
The ruling on the field said otherwise…
9. When you die, if you were given the choice to come back as any animal, which would you choose?
Sasquatch or any Pokemon.
10. The best MJ is: Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, Mike Jones, or Milla Jovovich?
Michael Jordan #23 who’s most well-known for Space Jam and funny memes.
Poster Courtesy of Always The Alibi
about the word writer person:
Prewitt Scott-Jackson writes Dad poetry & short fiction when he's not hyping and typing for Fort Worth Noise. His writing can be found in Ghost City Press (New York), Five 2 One Magazine (Los Angeles), Prairie Schooner (University of Nebraska Press) and Sick Lit Magazine (Texas), among others. He prefers short walks on the beach because – and I quote – “It’s really hard to walk on sand.”