Welcome to a Special Edition of FWN's 10 Questions Interview.
We are honored to have not one, but two legendary 817 bands - The Me-Thinks and Stoogeaphilia - combine their powers to bring you the most voluminous 10 Questions Interview to date.
We got Marlin from The Me-Thinks along with Ray (The Me-Thinks & Stoogeaphilia) plus answers from Ken, Matt and Richard of Stoogeaphilia. Revel in it!
Image via The Me-Thinks' Facebook Event 09/10/16
1. Dogs or Cats? Why?
RAY: Cats. Because they are Outlaws, Satan Worshippers and I love them!
MARLIN: Pork or beef usually, but whatever.
KEN: Self-evident. (Funny: Sir Marlin Von Bungy couldn't believe that there was someone in this band called "Katboy" and that it wasn't Ray. It isn't me, either.)
MATT: Cats, because they don't give a fuck. Until they do, then they give ALL the fucks. And you must, as well, servant human.
RICHARD: Both. Although leaning towards dogs more these days. I've handled my share of cat box treats.
2. Aliens. Do they exist?
RAY: I fucking hope so. No way humans are the A-#1 Duke of the Universe.
MARLIN: Of course. But don't tell the orange president.
KEN: I want to speak to an attorney.
MATT: Statistically speaking, they must. Hopefully they are nicer than us. And if not, hopefully they never find us.
RICHARD: Certainly.
3. Drug of choice? (None is not an option btw)
RAY: Romantic Comedies (on Weed!)
MARLIN: Depends on whether the question is coming from my probation officer. Lets just say none to be safe. But talk to me later.
KEN: Endorphin.
MATT: If I had to pick one, it would be Diet Dr. Pepper.
RICHARD: A good ol' PCP laced, red wine enema.
Image via Stoogeaphilia's Facebook Page - Photo by Jose L. Serrato Jr.
4. Brown or white gravy? (Neither is not an option btw)
RAY: I am allowed no gravy. Sore subject. Next Question!
MARLIN: White.
KEN: Alfredo.
MATT: I will avoid gravy-choice evangelism and say that both have their moments. White on biscuits, anything chicken-fried, potatos, grits, starchy things. Brown on turkey & dressing, potatos, beef dishes. Really, if somebody sets gravy down in front of me, it's going on my food. Period.
RICHARD: I kind of agree with Matt on these things.
5. Favorite weapon of mass destruction?
RAY: Favorite? Giant earthbound Asteroid/Meteor would be rad on an Extinction Event/Out of My Control level. But if I had to pick how I wanted everyone to die? Maybe a heroin bomb.
MARLIN: Taco Casa Taco Lite.
KEN: Stratocaster.
MATT: Targeted asteroids.
6. Favorite marsupial?
RAY: Koala. Because a Platypus is a Monotreme not a Marsupial.
MARLIN: Never been to Mars before.
KEN: My Wife.
MATT: Possum. Did you know female marsupials have two vaginas, and males have bifurcated penises? Penii? Penes? Penae? I digress...
RICHARD: Tasmanian Devils.
Image via Stoogeaphilia's Facebook Page - Photo by Nick Huff
7. Favorite Superhero?
RAY: Bizarro Ted Cruz.
MARLIN: Wonder Woman.
KEN: Jon Teague.
MATT: According to my friend Daniel, I'm already a superhero. My super power is the Power of Indifference. If not me, then Zorlak the Avenger.
8. Did Dez catch it?
RAY: I was always a Keith Morris/Ron Reyes guy.
MARLIN: that is between him and his doctor. None of my business.
KEN: Who is Dez? What is “It”?
MATT: This is a sports question, right? No clue, not a big sports fan.
RICHARD: Is this a Black Flag reference?
9. When you die, if you were given the choice to come back as any animal, which would you choose?
RAY: The Lazy Trinity of I do what I want…House Cat, Otter or Three-Toed Sloth.
MARLIN: The one from the Muppet Movie.
KEN: See first reply.
MATT: An alien superhero, Zorlak the Avenger. Then I could prove #2 conclusively.
RICHARD: Party Animal.
10. The best MJ is: Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, Mike Jones, or Milla Jovovich?
RAY: Mick Jones because he was in the Clash and Foreigner.
MARLIN: Is Mick Jones an option? That would be my answer. Either from Foreigner or the one from the Clash.
KEN: Michael Jackson.
MATT: Multi-pass.
RICHARD: Mick Jones.
Image via The Me-Thinks' Facebook Page
about the word writer person:
Prewitt Scott-Jackson writes Dad poetry & short fiction when he's not hyping and typing for Fort Worth Noise. His writing can be found in Ghost City Press (New York), Five 2 One Magazine (Los Angeles), Prairie Schooner (University of Nebraska Press) and Sick Lit Magazine (Texas), among others. He prefers short walks on the beach because – and I quote – “It’s really hard to walk on sand.”