10 Questions Interview

10 Questions Interview w/ The Me-Thinks + Stoogeaphilia by Prewitt Scott-Jackson

Welcome to a Special Edition of FWN's 10 Questions Interview.

We are honored to have not one, but two legendary 817 bands - The Me-Thinks and Stoogeaphilia - combine their powers to bring you the most voluminous 10 Questions Interview to date.

We got Marlin from The Me-Thinks along with Ray (The Me-Thinks & Stoogeaphilia) plus answers from Ken, Matt and Richard of Stoogeaphilia. Revel in it!


Image via The Me-Thinks' Facebook Event 09/10/16

Image via The Me-Thinks' Facebook Event 09/10/16

1. Dogs or Cats? Why?

RAY:  Cats.  Because they are Outlaws, Satan Worshippers and I love them!

MARLIN:  Pork or beef usually, but whatever.

KEN:  Self-evident. (Funny: Sir Marlin Von Bungy couldn't believe that there was someone in this band called "Katboy" and that it wasn't Ray. It isn't me, either.)

MATT:  Cats, because they don't give a fuck. Until they do, then they give ALL the fucks. And you must, as well, servant human.

RICHARD:  Both. Although leaning towards dogs more these days. I've handled my share of cat box treats.

2. Aliens. Do they exist?

RAY:  I fucking hope so.  No way humans are the A-#1 Duke of the Universe.

MARLIN:  Of course. But don't tell the orange president.

KEN:  I want to speak to an attorney.

MATT:  Statistically speaking, they must. Hopefully they are nicer than us. And if not, hopefully they never find us.

RICHARD:  Certainly.

3. Drug of choice? (None is not an option btw)

RAY:  Romantic Comedies (on Weed!)

MARLIN:  Depends on whether the question is coming from my probation officer. Lets just say none to be safe. But talk to me later.

KEN:  Endorphin.

MATT:  If I had to pick one, it would be Diet Dr. Pepper.

RICHARD:  A good ol' PCP laced, red wine enema.

Image via Stoogeaphilia's Facebook Page - Photo by Jose L. Serrato Jr.

Image via Stoogeaphilia's Facebook Page - Photo by Jose L. Serrato Jr.

4. Brown or white gravy? (Neither is not an option btw)

RAY:  I am allowed no gravy.  Sore subject.  Next Question!

MARLIN:  White.   

KEN:  Alfredo.

MATT:  I will avoid gravy-choice evangelism and say that both have their moments. White on biscuits, anything chicken-fried, potatos, grits, starchy things. Brown on turkey & dressing, potatos, beef dishes. Really, if somebody sets gravy down in front of me, it's going on my food. Period.

RICHARD:  I kind of agree with Matt on these things.

5. Favorite weapon of mass destruction?

RAY:  Favorite?  Giant earthbound Asteroid/Meteor would be rad on an Extinction Event/Out of My Control level.  But if I had to pick how I wanted everyone to die?  Maybe a heroin bomb.   

MARLIN:  Taco Casa Taco Lite.

KEN:  Stratocaster.

MATT:  Targeted asteroids.

RICHARD:  Music.

6. Favorite marsupial?

RAY:  Koala.  Because a Platypus is a Monotreme not a Marsupial.

MARLIN:  Never been to Mars before.

KEN:  My Wife.

MATT:  Possum. Did you know female marsupials have two vaginas, and males have bifurcated penises? Penii? Penes? Penae? I digress...

RICHARD:  Tasmanian Devils.

Image via Stoogeaphilia's Facebook Page - Photo by Nick Huff

Image via Stoogeaphilia's Facebook Page - Photo by Nick Huff

7. Favorite Superhero?

RAY:  Bizarro Ted Cruz.

MARLIN:  Wonder Woman.

KEN:  Jon Teague.

MATT:  According to my friend Daniel, I'm already a superhero. My super power is the Power of Indifference. If not me, then Zorlak the Avenger.

RICHARD:  El Duce!

8. Did Dez catch it?

RAY:  I was always a Keith Morris/Ron Reyes guy.

MARLIN:  that is between him and his doctor. None of my business. 

KEN:  Who is Dez?  What is “It”?

MATT:  This is a sports question, right? No clue, not a big sports fan.

RICHARD:  Is this a Black Flag reference?

9. When you die, if you were given the choice to come back as any animal, which would you choose?

RAY:  The Lazy Trinity of I do what I want…House Cat, Otter or Three-Toed Sloth.

MARLIN:  The one from the Muppet Movie.

KEN:  See first reply.

MATT:  An alien superhero, Zorlak the Avenger. Then I could prove #2 conclusively.

RICHARD:  Party Animal.

10. The best MJ is: Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, Mike Jones, or Milla Jovovich?

RAY:  Mick Jones because he was in the Clash and Foreigner.

MARLIN: Is Mick Jones an option? That would be my answer. Either from Foreigner or the one from the Clash.

KEN:  Michael Jackson.

MATT:  Multi-pass.

RICHARD:  Mick Jones.

Image via The Me-Thinks' Facebook Page

Image via The Me-Thinks' Facebook Page


about the word writer person:

Prewitt Scott-Jackson writes Dad poetry & short fiction when he's not hyping and typing for Fort Worth Noise. His writing can be found in Ghost City Press (New York), Five 2 One Magazine (Los Angeles), Prairie Schooner (University of Nebraska Press) and Sick Lit Magazine (Texas), among others. He prefers short walks on the beach because – and I quote – “It’s really hard to walk on sand.”

10 Questions Interview - Huffer by Prewitt Scott-Jackson

Welcome to FWN's 10 Questions Interview. We are honored to have the guys from Huffer join us today. 

In a FWN first, instead of answering individually, the band joined forces to collectively provide us with answers!

Be sure to catch Huffer in action this Sat., Feb. 4th at Shipping & Receiving w/ North by North (Chicago, IL), Siberian Traps, & Henry the Archer.  


Image via Huffer's Facebook Page - Photo by Nicholas Wittwer

Image via Huffer's Facebook Page - Photo by Nicholas Wittwer

1. Dogs or Cats? Why?

Huffer: Raw or cooked?

2. Aliens. Do they exist?

Huffer: Yes, dey turk err jurbz

3. Drug of choice? 

Huffer: Scotchgard

4. Brown or white gravy? 

Huffer: Yes

5. Favorite weapon of mass destruction? 

Huffer: Hot Wings

6. Favorite marsupial? 

Huffer: Wallaby

7. Favorite Superhero?

Huffer: Freddie Mercury

8. Did Dez catch it?

Huffer: Does a Pope shit in the woods?

9. When you die, if you were given the choice to come back as any animal, which would you choose?

Huffer: Mick Gallagher

10. The best MJ is: Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, Mike Jones, or Milla Jovovich?

Huffer: Mike Jones because it takes grindin' to be a king

Image via huffertx.com

Image via huffertx.com


about the word writer person:

Prewitt Scott-Jackson writes Dad poetry & short fiction when he's not hyping and typing for Fort Worth Noise. His writing can be found in Ghost City Press (New York), Five 2 One Magazine (Los Angeles), Prairie Schooner (University of Nebraska Press) and Sick Lit Magazine (Texas), among others. He prefers short walks on the beach because – and I quote – “It’s really hard to walk on sand.”

10 Questions Interview - Kevin Aldridge by Prewitt Scott-Jackson

Welcome to FWN's 10 Questions Interview. We are honored to have Kevin Aldridge join us today.

ICYMI, check out Kevin's 2016 single "Here's The Thing About Me." 


Image via Kevin Aldridge's Facebook 

Image via Kevin Aldridge's Facebook 

1. Dogs or Cats? Why?

KA: Dogs for me. My neighborhood is lousy with feral cats and I’m fine with them doing ‘hood rat stuff with their friends.

2. Aliens. Do they exist?

KA: Yes… We do.

3. Drug of choice? (None is not an option btw)

KA: Arturo Fuente - Hemingway Short Story.

4. Brown or white gravy? (Neither is not an option btw)

KA: White on a weekday. Brown on the weekend.

5. Favorite weapon of mass destruction? 

KA: Politics. That’s also my least favorite.

6. Favorite marsupial? 

KA: Wombats – They’re also a cool band Mark Sanders introduced to me.

7. Favorite Superhero?

KA: Dirk.

8. Did Dez catch it?

KA: No idea. I don’t do pigskin anymore.

9. When you die, if you were given the choice to come back as any animal, which would you choose?

KA: No question it would be Dave Batista.

10. The best MJ is: Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, Mike Jones, or Milla Jovovich?

KA: Without a doubt, Jordan. Can’t be faded… “I ain’t Mike Jones. Get my name outcha mouth.”

Image via Kevin Aldridge's Facebook Page

Image via Kevin Aldridge's Facebook Page


about the word writer person:

Prewitt Scott-Jackson writes Dad poetry & short fiction when he's not hyping and typing for Fort Worth Noise. His writing can be found in Ghost City Press (New York), Five 2 One Magazine (Los Angeles), Prairie Schooner (University of Nebraska Press) and Sick Lit Magazine (Texas), among others. He prefers short walks on the beach because – and I quote – “It’s really hard to walk on sand.”

10 Questions Interview - Joe Gorgeous by Prewitt Scott-Jackson

Welcome to FWN's 10 Questions Interview. We are honored to have Joey Gorman (The Longshots, Joe Gorgeousjoin us today.

BUY THIS TAPE ALERT: As of yesterday afternoon (2:23pm CST to be exact) Mock Records released 100 tapes of the new Joe Gorgeous & Hooveriii split appropriately titled SPLITTER. It's streaming and avail for sale on Bandcamp here. Better jump on it y'all!    


Image via Joe Gorgeous Facebook Page (Pic of Joe Gorgeous, Joey Gorman pictured center)

Image via Joe Gorgeous Facebook Page (Pic of Joe Gorgeous, Joey Gorman pictured center)

1. Dogs or Cats? Why?

JG: ill take all the help i can get

2. Aliens. Do they exist?

JG: that depends on your definition of existence. essentially yes.

3. Drug of choice? (None is not an option btw)

JG: fuggin soda, dude. also.. i like a good, spontaneous mushroom trip…the super beautifully heavy kind…when you end up just crying at the sunset with your best friends.

4. Brown or white gravy? (Neither is not an option btw)

JG: depends on the side of the family thats doing the cooking. not enough restaurants have white gravy. thats about all i know about that

5. Favorite weapon of mass destruction? 

JG: Baggins’ (our bassist’s) old van

6. Favorite marsupial? 

JG: the ever resilient opossum

7. Favorite Superhero?

JG: italian spiderman

8. When you die, if you were given the choice to come back as any animal, which would you choose?

JG: galapagos tortoise OR komodo dragon

9. The best MJ is: Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, Mike Jones, or Milla Jovovich?

JG: obviously mike jones. 


about the word writer person:

Prewitt Scott-Jackson writes Dad poetry & short fiction when he's not hyping and typing for Fort Worth Noise. His writing can be found in Ghost City Press (New York), Five 2 One Magazine (Los Angeles), Prairie Schooner (University of Nebraska Press) and Sick Lit Magazine (Texas), among others. He prefers short walks on the beach because – and I quote – “It’s really hard to walk on sand.”

10 Questions Interview - Andy Pickett by Prewitt Scott-Jackson

Welcome to FWN's 10 Questions Interview. We are honored to have Fort Worth's Andy Pickett join us today.

UN-FAKE NEWS ALERT: Chef Pickett has a new record cookin' up in his 5-star kitchen! In fact, he told us it'll be table-ready a few months from now, that should give y'all ample time to dust off your finest flatware. 


Image via Andy Pickett's Facebook Page

Image via Andy Pickett's Facebook Page

1. Dogs or Cats? Why?

AP: I grew up with cats, but now, since I got my first and current dog Boobie, I'm a dog man.

2. Aliens. Do they exist?

AP: Yes. There's too much space and too much stuff in the universe to be just us all alone...it's simple math.

3. Drug of choice? (None is not an option btw)

AP: Marijuana...and food.

4. Brown or white gravy? (Neither is not an option btw)

AP: Depends on where I'm at or who's cookin' and what it's being poured on. But gun to my head? Brown.

5. Favorite weapon of mass destruction?

AP: Ohio-class submarine.

6. Favorite marsupial?

AP: Tasmanian Devil.

7. Favorite Superhero?

AP: Peter from Starbass.

Picture of Andy straight chillin' in his next life (a Tarigrade)

Picture of Andy straight chillin' in his next life (a Tarigrade)

8. Did Dez catch it?

AP: Honestly, I dont know what this means, so I'll say yes?

9. When you die, if you were given the choice to come back as any animal, which would you choose?

AP: Tardigrade.

10. The best MJ is: Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, Mike Jones, or Milla Jovovich?       

AP: Michael Jackson!!!




about the word writer person:

Prewitt Scott-Jackson writes Dad poetry & short fiction when he's not hyping and typing for Fort Worth Noise. His writing can be found in Ghost City Press (New York), Five 2 One Magazine (Los Angeles), Prairie Schooner (University of Nebraska Press) and Sick Lit Magazine (Texas), among others. He prefers short walks on the beach because – and I quote – “It’s really hard to walk on sand.”

10 Questions Interview - The Owl & The Octopus by Prewitt Scott-Jackson

Welcome to FWN's 10 Questions Interview. We are honored to have TH of Fort Worth's The Owl & The Octopus join us today.


Image via The Owl & The Octopus Facebook Page

Image via The Owl & The Octopus Facebook Page

1. Dogs or Cats? Why?

TH: Dogs.  Because they are loyal.

2. Aliens. Do they exist? 

TH: Yes.  I'm not so arrogant to believe we're the only living creatures out there.

3. Drug of choice? (None is not an option btw)

TH: Caffeine.

4. Brown or white gravy? (Neither is not an option btw)

TH: White.

5. Favorite weapon of mass destruction?

TH: N/A, I'm a pacifist.

6. Favorite marsupial?

TH: Sugar glider.

7. Favorite Superhero? 

TH: Dr. Strange.

8. Did Dez catch it?

TH: Yes.

9. When you die, if you were given the choice to come back as any animal, which would you choose?  

TH: Cat.

10. The best MJ is: Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, Mike Jones, or Milla Jovovich?

TH: Michael Jackson.

Image via The Owl & The Octopus Facebook Page

Image via The Owl & The Octopus Facebook Page


about the word writer person:

Prewitt Scott-Jackson writes Dad poetry & short fiction when he's not hyping and typing for Fort Worth Noise. His writing can be found in Ghost City Press (New York), Five 2 One Magazine (Los Angeles), Prairie Schooner (University of Nebraska Press) and Sick Lit Magazine (Texas), among others. He prefers short walks on the beach because – and I quote – “It’s really hard to walk on sand.”

10 Questions Interview - Picnic Lightning by Prewitt Scott-Jackson

Welcome to FWN's 10 Questions Interview. We are honored to have Fort Worth's Picnic Lightning join us today. Be sure to catch them live at The Foundry this Saturday Jan. 21st w/ ATX indie rockers White Label Analog.


Image via Picnic Lightning Facebook Page

Image via Picnic Lightning Facebook Page

1. Dogs or Cats? Why?

Cameron: Both. I like soft things and I’m bad at making decisions.

Cole: Cats, because they don't really need you and when they die, free rug.

John: Dogs. My sinuses are very anti cat.

Thomas: Cats. I lay around on the floor and stretch.

2. Aliens. Do they exist?

Cameron: Yes and they are some of the best movies.

Cole: Probably, way out there.

John: Pondering existence is an existential crisis waiting to happen; I'd lean yes.

Thomas:  I think we should first decide what an alien actually is. Life beyond planet Earth? Seems likely. Grays? Impossible to know currently. Ancient humanoid species ruling us from the dark side of the moon? Highly probable.

3. Drug of Choice? (None is not an option btw)

Cameron: SSRIs.

Cole: Ibuprofen.

John: Zyrtec. 

Thomas: Not prejudiced.

4. Brown or white gravy? (Neither is not an option btw)

Cameron: White, super peppery, in a bathtub, biscuits everywhere.

Cole: Brown, I like it dirty.

John: Brown wears the crown.

Thomas: White; cooked real hard.

5. Favorite weapon of mass destruction?

Cameron: Fox News.

Cole: My colon.

John: Greed.

Thomas: Giza.

6. Favorite marsupial?

Cameron: I wish more things had pouches.

Cole: My uncle. He's furry and wears a fanny pack, so he's basically a marsupial.

John: 90's tourists.

Thomas: Have y’all ever seen a koala?

7. Favorite Superhero?

Cameron: Norm Hitzges.

Cole: Batman.

John: Francis of Assisi.

Thomas: Vash the Stampede.

8. Did Dez catch it?

Cameron: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Cole: I don't care.

John: Yes, and it's a shame because Dez loves to play hard and he just wants to win, y'all.

Thomas: It is known.

9. When you die, if you were given the choice to come back as any animal, which would you choose?

Cameron: One that’s far away from humans. Or a whale. Maybe an elephant. I’m bad at making decisions.

Cole: The one from the muppets. I've always wanted to learn drums.

John: Turquoise-browed motmot aka pájaro reloj ("clock bird").

Thomas: Lynx.

10. The best MJ is: Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, Mike Jones, or Milla Jovovich?

Cameron: Unlisted.

Cole: Michael Jackson.

John: Michael Jordan.

Thomas: I'm bad.


about the word writer person:

Prewitt Scott-Jackson writes Dad poetry & short fiction when he's not hyping and typing for Fort Worth Noise. His writing can be found in Ghost City Press (New York), Five 2 One Magazine (Los Angeles), Prairie Schooner (University of Nebraska Press) and Sick Lit Magazine (Texas), among others. He prefers short walks on the beach because – and I quote – “It’s really hard to walk on sand.”

10 Questions Interview - Vincent Neil Emerson by Prewitt Scott-Jackson

Welcome to FWN's 10 Questions Interview. We are honored to have Fort Worth's Vincent Neil Emerson join us today. Be sure to catch him live at Granada Theater next Friday Jan. 20th as he rounds out an amazing lineup feat. Eleven Hundred Springs and Billy Joe Shaver


Image via Vincent Neil Emerson Facebook Page

Image via Vincent Neil Emerson Facebook Page

1. Dogs or Cats? Why?

VNE: Dogs. Because I've never met a dog that made my eyes itch.

2. Aliens. Do they exist?

VNE: Oh hayl yeah. Of course. You never saw Men In Black?

3. Drug of choice? (None is not an option btw)

VNE: Beef jerky.

4. Brown or white gravy? (Neither is not an option btw)

VNE: Any gravy is my favorite kind of gravy.

5. Favorite weapon of mass destruction?

VNE: Did they ever find those?

6. Favorite marsupial?

VNE: Clam Chowder.

7. Favorite Superhero?

VNE: QuailMan.

8. Did Dez catch it?

VNE: I wonder how many people are gunna answer this with "I don't know, but he should probably see a doctor!"

9. When you die, if you were given the choice to come back as any animal, which would you choose?

VNE: It would be tight to be a lobster.

10. The best MJ is: Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, Mike Jones, or Milla Jovovich?

VNE: Michael Jordan. Because Space Jam was my...


about the word writer person:

Prewitt Scott-Jackson writes Dad poetry & short fiction when he's not hyping and typing for Fort Worth Noise. His writing can be found in Ghost City Press (New York), Five 2 One Magazine (Los Angeles), Prairie Schooner (University of Nebraska Press) and Sick Lit Magazine (Texas), among others. He prefers short walks on the beach because – and I quote – “It’s really hard to walk on sand.”

10 Questions Interview - The Prof. Fuzz 63 by Prewitt Scott-Jackson

Welcome to FWN's inaugural 10 Questions Interview. We are honored to have Professor Fuzz of The Prof. Fuzz 63 christen this fine ship as it sets sail into interwebs infamy...


1. Dogs or Cats? Why?

PF: Dogs. Dogs are loyal. Cats are waiting for the chance to kill you and eat your flesh. 

2. Aliens. Do they exist?

PF: Yes. I know, for a fact, that Gibby is a lizardman. 

3. Drug of choice? (None is not an option btw)

PF: Claritin D

4. Brown or white gravy? (Neither is not an option btw)

PF: White gravy, with lots of black pepper. 

5. Favorite weapon of mass destruction? 

PF: Fuzz pedals. 

6. Favorite marsupial? 

PF: Opossums

7. Favorite Superhero?

PF: Tie: Howard the Duck and Tom Waits

8. Did Dez catch it?

PF: Nope.

9. When you die, if you were given the choice to come back as any animal, which would you choose?

PF: A fat lazy panda that bites drunk idiots who try to take a selfie with me. 

10. The best MJ is: Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, Mike Jones, or Milla Jovovich?

PF: Mary Jane


about the word writer person:

Prewitt Scott-Jackson writes Dad poetry & short fiction when he's not hyping and typing for Fort Worth Noise. His writing can be found in Ghost City Press (New York), Five 2 One Magazine (Los Angeles), Prairie Schooner (University of Nebraska Press) and Sick Lit Magazine (Texas), among others. He prefers short walks on the beach because – and I quote – “It’s really hard to walk on sand.”