10 Questions Interview

10 Questions Interview - Jacob Furr by Lyle Brooks

Welcome to FWN's 10 Questions Interview. We are honored to have Singer-Songwriter and Synthesizer aficionado, Jacob Furr join us today. 

Last year's brilliant Sierra Madre is available for sale online for 5$ as well as 2014's breathtaking debut, Trails & Traces. --LB


Photo Courtesy of Jacob Furr

Photo Courtesy of Jacob Furr

1) With which creatures do you share quarters?

JF: Sadie, my princess pup.

2) Most likely Pop Culture Alien Overlord?  

JF: Ted Nugent.

3) What can't you live without?

JF: New Balance tennis shoes and air conditioning.

4) Ultimate Morning-After Food?

JF: Waffles.

5) Personal Symbol of Freedom?

JF: My car.

Jacob Furr performing the single, Falling Stars from his full-length record Trails & Traces. Download the song and find more at: jacobfurr.bandcamp.com

6) Build a Bridge or Open a Door?

JF: Door. Bridges are a lot of work I've heard. Ain't nobody got time for that.

7) Super Hero Alter Ego?

JF: I'm a batman man myself man.

8. Underdog you Root for most?

JF: The '96 Texas Rangers

9) Given the choice to come back as any animal, which one would you choose?

JF: Dog. Definitely a dog. Who has a better life than dogs?

10) Most important individual with the initials MJ?

JF: Mike Judge.

Photo Courtesy of Jacob Furr

Photo Courtesy of Jacob Furr


about the word writer person:

Lyle Brooks sometimes exists as The Flashbulb (IG:@flashbulbtx). Among a plethora of other cool things & happenings, Lyle has fetched water for John Cale, made copies for Morton Subotnick and once lit Jim Jarmusch's cigarette out in front of a Merzbow show. He has eaten Mexican food with Fungi Girls and Italian food with Yells at Eels and documented them both. Tho his vision comes and goes, we are pleased to report his ears are in working order

10 Questions Interview - How's My Driving by Prewitt Scott-Jackson

Welcome to FWN's 10 Questions Interview. We are honored to have our friends from How's My Driving join us today.

Party it up with HMD next weekend at Caves Lounge for a Bee-B-Q feast featuring fellow punks From Parts Unknown and The Dolly Llamas. Free BBQ & Beer !! (while supplies last). Full event details here.

SUPER TRIPLE BONUS NEWS: Yesterday on social media we spotted HMD cooking something up in Ben Napier's lab at Green Audio Productions. HMD guitarist Carson So confirmed with FWN that they are in fact currently laying down tracks with Sir Napier of FortWorthshire ... better keep those ears peeled Fort Worthians! 


HMD slayin' Three Links - Photo Courtesy How's My Driving

HMD slayin' Three Links - Photo Courtesy How's My Driving

1. Dogs or Cats? Why?

Carson:  Dogs for sure.   You wouldn’t take a cat to the park…or could you?

Eric: Definitely dogs. I'm not down with stanky litter boxes--I'd
rather clean shit up outside...

DJ:  Dogs, because dogs

Tony:  Dogs, cats are pricks

2. Aliens. Do they exist?

Carson:  I’m sure in this universe, there’s another form of life out
there.   Killer Clowns for outer space was a documentary.

Eric: I've never had any close encounters but it's hard to make the
argument that they don't exist. They have to-right?

DJ:  Sure, have you seen our president?

Tony:  Tom Delonge tells us they do, when is he ever wrong?

3. Drug of choice? (None is not an option btw)

Carson:  Love is a drug

Eric: Again, very hard hitting questions. This one's tough. I don't
fancy myself an addict so I feel lucky that I'm able to stay content
with smoking herb daily and drinking beer whenever it's time to party.
That being said, the old school "H bomb" was pretty awesome!

DJ:  Netflix and gummie bears, any order

Tony:  Beer

4. Brown or white gravy? (Neither is not an option btw)

Carson:  I’ll take brown with my poutine

Eric: GuessI'll go white...but I'm probably only saying that because
I haven't sampled enough different brown.

DJ:  White, but I'm not racist.

Tony:  Brown, but only from KFC

5. Favorite weapon of mass destruction?

Carson:  Rick Astley

Eric:  I'll refer to question 3 and go "H bomb" here too. Plus the H
bomb generates that sweet mushroom cloud.

DJ:  The Trump

Tony:  The internet

New HMD logo making us thirsty - Image Courtesy of How's My Driving

New HMD logo making us thirsty - Image Courtesy of How's My Driving

6. Favorite marsupial?

Carson:  Wombat

Eric:  Gotta go kangaroo. They "kick" ass ;)

DJ:  I love me some french onion.

Tony:   Sugar Glider

7. Favorite Superhero?

Carson:  Wolverine

Eric:  The Amazing Spiderman

DJ:  Eric Gumm, yes he is my fucking hero

Tony:  Black Dynamite

8. Did Dez catch it?

Carson:  V.D.?

Eric:  Sigh...That catch, ruled not a catch (which it was), will
forever leave me wondering what could've been--I hate it for Romo way
more than Dez, another classic example of why ole Tones Romes' legacy
in Dallas will be tainted

DJ:  Damn right he did

Tony:  Dez who?

9. When you die, if you were given the choice to come back as any animal, which would you choose?

Carson:  Fire breathing dragon.  Animality!  TOASTY!!!!

Eric:  Man, definitely gotta go something like an eagle because flying
would be cool as hell. Or would it be just as cool to be a sponge...

DJ:  A Dire wolf.  GOT, bitches

Tony:  A human.

10. The best MJ is: Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, Mike Jones, or Milla Jovovich?

Carson:  Milla J is what I say!

Eric:  Might have to go Jordan but it's close...I'm not so sure
Michael Jackson made is big of an impact on music as Jordan did
basketball. How can anyone possible know that.

DJ:  Milla is def my girl.

Tony:  Milla Jovovich

HMD recently opened for Guttermouth at Gas Monkey Bar N' Grill

HMD recently opened for Guttermouth at Gas Monkey Bar N' Grill


about the word writer person:

Prewitt Scott-Jackson writes Dad poetry & short fiction when he's not hyping and typing for Fort Worth Noise. His writing can be found in Ghost City Press (New York), Five 2 One Magazine (Los Angeles), Prairie Schooner (University of Nebraska Press) and Sick Lit Magazine (Texas), among others. He prefers short walks on the beach because – and I quote – “It’s really hard to walk on sand.”

10 Questions Interview - Dane Rousay by Prewitt Scott-Jackson

Welcome to a special edition of FWN's 10 Questions Interview. We are honored to have San Antonio's Dane Rousay join us today. Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the article for five additional SUPER DOUBLE BONUS DRUMMER QUESTIONS !!!

Rousay's new record, Blip, will be released this Thursday, April 13th. We got the lead track embedded below for 'yer ear drums.

Speaking of drums, we may brand Rousay as the Stephen Hawking of Drummers. Take a look at how he described his process for making this unique record:

"This album is a percussion composition/improvisational effort in the area of chance composition and chance operations. Many of these pieces went through chance processes of assigning numbers to different drums and objects and then programming the computer to flash these numbers randomly at a fast pace on the screen..."

Catch Rousay in Fort Worth this week on April 14th at Shipping & Receiving w/ Richard Haskins (everyone in town has a fun Haskins story, I'll save mine for another day) & Animal Spirit. Full event details here.


Image via Dane Rousay's Facebook Page - Photo by Oscar Moreno

Image via Dane Rousay's Facebook Page - Photo by Oscar Moreno

1. Dogs or Cats? Why?

DR: Dogs. I need that something that loves me.

2. Aliens. Do they exist?

DR: Ask Blink 182, not me.

3. Drug of choice? (None is not an option btw)

DR: All my prescription pills to keep me from losing my mind.

4. Brown or white gravy? (Neither is not an option btw)

DR: Brown.

5. Favorite weapon of mass destruction?

DR: My drums.

6. Favorite marsupial?

DR: Wombat.

7. Favorite Superhero?

DR: Eh, no one is that super.

8. Did Dez catch it?

DR: Are you kiddin'!

9. When you die, if you were given the choice to come back as any animal, which would you choose?

DR: A snake. Conquer my fear of them once and for all.

10. The best MJ is: Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, Mike Jones, or Milla Jovovich?

DR: Michael Jackson. Questlove said it so I have to agree. 

Blip hits the shelves this Thursday

Blip hits the shelves this Thursday


1. Double kick pedal ever or nah? 

DR: Never live but there's nothing like going through a snare solo with your feet. Highly recommend. 

2. Favorite brand of drumsticks? 

DR: I used to be a Vic Firth person but Vater has won me over. Something about those V's man. 

3. Are you one of those drummers that never have a drum key handy or one of those kind that have like three of them on your keychain? Somewhere in-between?

DR: Haha, always three. Seems like I have more drum keys than any other kinda keys.

4. List your three favorite drummers (not necessarily which ones you think are the best, but the ones you like the most, that have influenced your new record the most).

DR: Milford Graves, Greg Fox, and probably Jacob Richards (goes under the moniker "BATTERY")

5. You play barefoot or with shoes on? If with shoes, what are your "go-to" drumming shoes brand-wise or genre-wise (skate shoes, combat boots, flip-flops, etc.)      

DR: I very recently bought some dress shoes and for some reason the lack of grip on those things are like a free jazzer's dream.

Tour Poster via Dane Rousay's Facebook Page - Photo by Oscar Moreno

Tour Poster via Dane Rousay's Facebook Page - Photo by Oscar Moreno


about the word writer person:

Prewitt Scott-Jackson writes Dad poetry & short fiction when he's not hyping and typing for Fort Worth Noise. His writing can be found in Ghost City Press (New York), Five 2 One Magazine (Los Angeles), Prairie Schooner (University of Nebraska Press) and Sick Lit Magazine (Texas), among others. He prefers short walks on the beach because – and I quote – “It’s really hard to walk on sand.”

Fortress Festival Interview - Peter Hook by Lyle Brooks

Today we are extremely honored to have Peter Hook (Joy Division, New Order, Peter Hook & The Light) talk to us about his experience playing synths, his favorite places to visit on tour, and BONUS ALERT: we got the scoop on what to expect from his upcoming Fortress Festival performance!

We'd also like to welcome Lyle Brooks, who sometimes exists as The Flashbulb (IG:@flashbulbtx) to the FWN family. Tho his vision comes and goes, we are pleased to report his ears are in working order

For tix and more info on Fortress Festival, click here.

UPDATE (05/01/2017): FWN captured live performance photos of Peter Hook & The Light's mystifying Fortress Festival performance! Scroll to the end of the interview to view the gallery. Enjoy! 


Image via Peter Hook & The Light Facebook Page - Courtesy James Masters

Image via Peter Hook & The Light Facebook Page - Courtesy James Masters

1. Speaking from personal experience, your bass work was a major influence on many adolescents who obtained bass guitars. Repeating tracks, I'd hope to glean an invisible force beneath the bass lines. What were the sounds you sought when you set out playing? 

Well at first I didn't really have a plan & did not really set out to do anything - I didn't even know what a bass guitar was! But we worked very hard to master our instruments and I eventually began to develop a way of playing that I felt was a bit more interesting than what I'd heard from other bass players. I really liked to play high up the neck which was quite novel & Ian Curtis in particular encouraged me to keep doing that. It became my calling card so to speak - I found certain guitars and certain pedals that allowed me to further develop that sound and I have stuck with them ever since.

2. What were your first experiences with synths? How would you say the instrument most impacted music making for you? 

It took a while to get to grips with them to be honest - especially when compared to Bernard and Steve who were a lot more technologically minded than I was - I was the guy who just wanted to rock out on the guitars all the time! But eventually I got my head around it all and was able to contribute plenty of ideas on synths and sequencers as well as on the bass. It all had a big impact on our music as you can tell when you listen to early New Order tracks when compared to tracks from 10 or 15 years later.

3. So great to hear these songs again with fresh life behind them, was there much fuss from the die-hard loyalists about The Light's versions?

It was weird because a lot of the criticism which we received was before we even started playing - people were saying that I shouldn't be doing it & that it wasn't right without the others. But then when we started playing and people could see that we did a good job and showed the songs the care and respect that they deserved, it all got a lot easier. And now after 7 years of touring with The Light I would like to think that everyone knows how good a job we do and we have been very successful all around the world.

4. How has the experience been like working with the Classical Hacienda project? 

It's been a very difficult thing to put together just because it's very hard to achieve that perfect marriage between dance music and classical music. It's also very hard from an organisational standpoint simply because there are so many people involved - 70 in the orchestra and what feels like 70 more on the crew. But it has been a great experience to see how all those people work, the musicians are amazing, and it's been a very rewarding one because all of the shows so far have been great.

5. Any new cities you've discovered on this tour? Favorite spots to return? 

I'm always excited to still be visiting new places - it's amazing to go somewhere new after 40 years of touring as a musician. A couple of years ago we made it to Mongolia to play at a festival which was amazing, a great experience. And it was with the Light that I also made it to other places for the first time too - Israel, Russia, Chile, China... It has been great to take the music all around the world again. I am always keen to return everywhere!

6. Can fans expect performances from any particular records or will you survey both New Order and Joy Division? Does a version of "Tokyo Joe" ever make its way into a set list? 

Well at the moment at headline shows on this tour we are playing both Substance albums by Joy Division & New Order in full, it's almost a 3 hour show! But at the festival in Fort Worth we have just been asked to play a bit of everything, from both bands, which to be honest is probably better to do at a festival. We'll be playing all the hits! As for Tokyo Joe no we have never played that one but who knows! It's a killer bassline...

7. Five years on, how has the Music Industry Management & Promotion Programme at Central Lancashire fared? Brilliant Idea, I'm curious if other you've seen other institutions developing similar concentrations? 

I'm very proud of the programme and was delighted to be asked to become involved. The staff at the University and Tony Rigg in particular have done a fantastic job. The students enjoy the course and it gives them hands on experience in the music industry which is great. The numbers of people enrolling in the course keeps increasing every year which is a great credit.

Fortress Festival is right around the corner!!

Fortress Festival is right around the corner!!

UPDATE (5/1/2017): Fort Worth Noise's Prewitt Scott-Jackson snapped some photos of Peter Hook & The Light's Fortress Festival performance! (click thumbnail to enlarge)

Peter Hook & The Light perform at Fortress Festival - Photo Credit: Prewitt Scott-Jackson

Peter Hook & The Light perform at Fortress Festival - Photo Credit: Prewitt Scott-Jackson


about the word writer person:

Lyle Brooks sometimes exists as The Flashbulb (IG:@flashbulbtx). Among a plethora of other cool things & happenings, Lyle has fetched water for John Cale, made copies for Morton Subotnick and once lit Jim Jarmusch's cigarette out in front of a Merzbow show. He has eaten Mexican food with Fungi Girls and Italian food with Yells at Eels and documented them both. Tho his vision comes and goes, we are pleased to report his ears are in working order


10 Questions Interview - Jesse Gage by Prewitt Scott-Jackson

Welcome to FWN's 10 Questions Interview. We are honored to have Jesse Gage join us today.

Much to our delight Gage released Saudade this past Friday, a Britt Robisheaux/Cloudland-produced EP slam-packed with four ducky Adam Goren-esque punk tracks.

Gage is already working on some new songs for ya, so keep your ears peeled!


Photo Courtesy of Jesse Gage

Photo Courtesy of Jesse Gage

1. Dogs or Cats? Why?

JG: Dogs. I’m allergic to cats.

2. Aliens. Do they exist?

JG: For sure

3. Drug of choice? (None is not an option btw)

JG: Caffeine. I’m more of an uppers kind of guy.

4. Brown or white gravy? (Neither is not an option btw)

JG: White.

5. Favorite weapon of mass destruction?

JG: Those imaginary ones Iraq was hiding are pretty cool.

6. Favorite marsupial?

JG: Opossums. So misunderstood.

7. Favorite Superhero?

JG: Joaquin Murrieta

8. Did Dez catch it?

JG: For sure

9. When you die, if you were given the choice to come back as any animal, which would you choose?

JG: Bonobo. The ape. Not the musician.

10. The best MJ is: Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, Mike Jones, or Milla Jovovich?

JG: Mike Joooooooneeess

Saudade Album Cover via Jesse Gage's Bandcamp Page

Saudade Album Cover via Jesse Gage's Bandcamp Page


about the word writer person:

Prewitt Scott-Jackson writes Dad poetry & short fiction when he's not hyping and typing for Fort Worth Noise. His writing can be found in Ghost City Press (New York), Five 2 One Magazine (Los Angeles), Prairie Schooner (University of Nebraska Press) and Sick Lit Magazine (Texas), among others. He prefers short walks on the beach because – and I quote – “It’s really hard to walk on sand.”

10 Questions Interview - The Vatican Press by Prewitt Scott-Jackson

Welcome to FWN's 10 Questions Interview. We are honored to have Fort Worth punk rawkers The Vatican Press join us today.

Be sure to catch TVP in Fort Worth early tonight for Happy Hour at Dreamy Life Records. Music starts at 7pm.

BONUS WEEKEND ROAD TRIP ALERT: The Press will be hitting I-35 tomorrow for a Waco gig at the Spin Connection w/ the likes of ATX's The Capitalist Kids. See below show poster for further details.


Image via The Vatican Press' Facebook Page

Image via The Vatican Press' Facebook Page

1. Dogs or Cats? Why?

Eddie: I love them both. I love all animals.

Dwayne: Dogs, cats can be such b******.

Adam: Definitely dogs. Cats are assholes. Also, they walk around in litter boxes and jump on cabinets and tables. Fuck that.

2. Aliens. Do they exist?

Eddie: Aliens do exist... I have seen two UFos.. TX, AND CO

Dwayne: Yes, I am one ... from Uranus

Adam: Aliens definitely exist. I have proof...

3. Drug of choice? (None is not an option btw)

Eddie: My favorite is the same color as your Xmas tree.

Dwayne: Alcohol

Adam: Black tar heroin. I'm gonna catch that fucking dragon, he shit on my couch.

4. Brown or white gravy? (Neither is not an option btw)

Eddie: I love brown gravy... Especially on mashed potatoes!

Dwayne: White, I am only racist against gravys.

Adam: Really depends. White gravy for chicken fried steak, brown for baked chicken or turkey.

5. Favorite weapon of mass destruction? 

Eddie: The Plague is one of my faves..

Dwayne: Mustard gas, though ketchup gas would be fun.

Adam: My farts after eating brussel sprouts and poached eggs.

6. Favorite marsupial? 

Eddie: My favorite Marsupial is a Koala bear!! So cute and fluffy!

Dwayne: Platypus

Adam: The opossum! North America's only marsupial! They are critters that eat other critters!

7. Favorite Superhero?

Eddie: The Incredible Hulk!!!

Dwayne: Captain Caveman

Adam: Aquaman

8. Did Dez catch it?

Eddie: Replay???

Dwayne: Yes but the Packers still won so get over it.


9. When you die, if you were given the choice to come back as any animal, which would you choose?

Eddie: I think I would like to be an owl if I had a choice in my afterlife.

Dwayne: Dragonfly

Adam: Great White Shark. Seals look DELICIOUS.

10. The best MJ is: Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, Mike Jones, or Milla Jovovich?

Eddie: Mary Jane is the best MJ.

Dwayne: My cousin Marcus Johnson.

Adam: She's a bad Mamma Jamma by Carl Carlton. If I need to explain this to you we can't be friends. Google it.

Image via The Vatican Press' Facebook Page

Image via The Vatican Press' Facebook Page


about the word writer person:

Prewitt Scott-Jackson writes Dad poetry & short fiction when he's not hyping and typing for Fort Worth Noise. His writing can be found in Ghost City Press (New York), Five 2 One Magazine (Los Angeles), Prairie Schooner (University of Nebraska Press) and Sick Lit Magazine (Texas), among others. He prefers short walks on the beach because – and I quote – “It’s really hard to walk on sand.”

10 Questions Interview - Always The Alibi by Prewitt Scott-Jackson

Welcome to FWN's 10 Questions Interview. We are honored to have the guys from Always The Alibi join us today. 

Instead of answering individually, the band joined forces to collectively provide us with answers!

Be sure to catch ATA in Fort Worth this Sat., March 4th at Hop Fusion Ale Works and a week later on March 11th at Gateway Park in Fort Worth for the Tater Tots & Beer Festival (which btw, sounds like a super tasty festival. I mean, they had us at 'Tater Tots & Beer').


Photo Courtesy of Always The Alibi

Photo Courtesy of Always The Alibi

1. Dogs or Cats? Why?

Definitely Dogs.  Rich (drums) has two and Nick (bass) is allergic to cats.

2. Aliens. Do they exist?

Maybe…the universe is a big place. 

3. Drug of choice? (None is not an option btw)

Performing our songs in front of an audience. And of course Shiner Bock.

4. Brown or white gravy? (Neither is not an option btw)

Is there a difference?

5. Favorite weapon of mass destruction? 


6. Favorite marsupial?  

Wombats. For sure!

7. Favorite Superhero? 

Batman or Ironman because they’re just regular dudes that have badass armor suits because they are rich.

8. Did Dez catch it?

The ruling on the field said otherwise…

9. When you die, if you were given the choice to come back as any animal, which would you choose?

Sasquatch or any Pokemon.

10. The best MJ is: Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, Mike Jones, or Milla Jovovich? 

Michael Jordan #23 who’s most well-known for Space Jam and funny memes.

Poster Courtesy of Always The Alibi

Poster Courtesy of Always The Alibi


about the word writer person:

Prewitt Scott-Jackson writes Dad poetry & short fiction when he's not hyping and typing for Fort Worth Noise. His writing can be found in Ghost City Press (New York), Five 2 One Magazine (Los Angeles), Prairie Schooner (University of Nebraska Press) and Sick Lit Magazine (Texas), among others. He prefers short walks on the beach because – and I quote – “It’s really hard to walk on sand.”

10 Questions Interview - The Phantom Sensation by Prewitt Scott-Jackson

Welcome to FWN's 10 Questions Interview. We are honored to have Jessica Marie & 'Broke String' Burnett of Fort Worth's The Phantom Sensation join us today.

Be sure to catch them live at Deep Ellum Arts Festival the weekend of April 7th-9th! The arts festival is free to attend, full event details here.


Image via TPS' Facebook Page -Photo Credit: Trendkill

Image via TPS' Facebook Page -Photo Credit: Trendkill

1. Dogs or Cats? Why?

Broke String: Dogs because I can only afford one pet

Jessica: both! I have had both cats and dogs that left a lasting paw print on my heart. <3

2. Aliens. Do they exist?

Broke String: of course

Jessica: I want to believe

3. Drug of choice? (None is not an option btw)

Broke String: coffee

Jessica: netflix and a bag of potato chips...kettle cooked jalapeño to be exact

4. Brown or white gravy? (Neither is not an option btw)

Broke String: MMM..gravy

Jessica: White gravy there is no other option.

5. Favorite weapon of mass destruction?

Broke String: Death Star

Jessica: Demogorgon

6. Favorite marsupial?

Broke String: wombat, duh

Jessica: Opossum all the way. They walked with the dinos!

7. Favorite Superhero?

Broke String: Batman of course

Jessica: The Toxic Avenger

8. Did Dez catch it?

Broke String: IDC

Jessica: doh!

9. When you die, if you were given the choice to come back as any animal, which would you choose?

Broke String: definitely the wombat

Jessica: Bat

10. The best MJ is: Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, Mike Jones, or Milla Jovovich?

Broke String: Michael Jackson hands down

Jessica: MJ one reason...Thriller

Image via Deep Ellum Arts Festival Facebook Page

Image via Deep Ellum Arts Festival Facebook Page


about the word writer person:

Prewitt Scott-Jackson writes Dad poetry & short fiction when he's not hyping and typing for Fort Worth Noise. His writing can be found in Ghost City Press (New York), Five 2 One Magazine (Los Angeles), Prairie Schooner (University of Nebraska Press) and Sick Lit Magazine (Texas), among others. He prefers short walks on the beach because – and I quote – “It’s really hard to walk on sand.”

Special Fortress Festival Edition of 10 Questions Interview w/ Sudie by Prewitt Scott-Jackson

Welcome to FWN's 10 Questions Interview. We are honored to have Sudie join us today.

In addition to our traditional '10 Questions,' Sudie talks to FWN about the upcoming Fortress Festival.

For more info on Fortress Festival, click here.


Image via Sudie's Facebook Page

Image via Sudie's Facebook Page

1. On a scale of 1 to "Holy Bat Toast Batman!"- how excited are you to be a part of this lineup?


2. Speaking of, which act(s) from the lineup are you most looking forward to performing along side? Have any of them influenced your music?

Sudie: More than anything it's incredible to be alongside some of my favorite local acts like Sam Lao, Ronnie, Blue and the rest of my friends. But I've been a huge fan of  S U R V I V E ever since I discovered them on The Guest soundtrack. I couldn't believe I hadn't heard of them before that but I'm in love with their sound.  

3. You and fellow Fortress Festival performer Ronnie Heart have shared the stage numerous times on bills around Dallas/Fort Worth; what does it mean to you to now share the stage with him and acts like Run The Jewels & Purity Ring? Have you two commiserated at all since the lineup announcement? Or have you considered making guest appearances for each other's sets?


*Click here for our Fortress Festival interview with Ronnie Heart !!

Image via FortressFestival.com

Image via FortressFestival.com

 Traditional 10 Questions Interview: 

1. Dogs or Cats? Why? 

Sudie: Dogs at night for cuddling and cats during the day cuz they can take care of themselves

2. Aliens. Do they exist?

Sudie: Me

3. Drug of choice? (None is not an option btw)

Sudie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrPNwLuk0zQ

4. Brown or white gravy? (Neither is not an option btw)

Sudie: Whatever is the kind they put on chicken fried steak

5. Favorite weapon of mass destruction?  

Sudie: Heartbreak

 6. Favorite marsupial? 

Sudie: I once saved 8 baby opossums 

7. Favorite Superhero?

Sudie: Xena Warrior Princess

8. Did Dez catch it?

Sudie: We'll never know

9. When you die, if you were given the choice to come back as any animal, which would you choose?

Sudie: Pterodactyl

10. The best MJ is: Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, Mike Jones, or Milla Jovovich?

Sudie: Milla Jovovich hands down

Image via Sudie's Facebook Page

Image via Sudie's Facebook Page


about the word writer person:

Prewitt Scott-Jackson writes Dad poetry & short fiction when he's not hyping and typing for Fort Worth Noise. His writing can be found in Ghost City Press (New York), Five 2 One Magazine (Los Angeles), Prairie Schooner (University of Nebraska Press) and Sick Lit Magazine (Texas), among others. He prefers short walks on the beach because – and I quote – “It’s really hard to walk on sand.”

Special Fortress Festival Edition of 10 Questions Interview w/ Ronnie Heart by Prewitt Scott-Jackson

Welcome to FWN's 10 Questions Interview. We are honored to have Ronnie Heart join us today.

In addition to our traditional '10 Questions,' Ronnie talks to FWN about the upcoming Fortress Festival.

For more info on Fortress Festival, click here.


Image via Ronnie Heart's Facebook Page - Photo Credit: Karlo X. Ramos

Image via Ronnie Heart's Facebook Page - Photo Credit: Karlo X. Ramos

1. On a scale of 1 to "Holy Bat Toast Batman!"- how excited are you to be a part of this Fortress Festival lineup?

RH: 2 be completely genuwine, my excitement level is 69!

2. Speaking of, which act(s) from the lineup are you most looking forward to performing alongside? Have any of them influenced your music?

RH: i’m looking forward to everyone.  i want to runneth over my cup with fortress water.  

3. You and fellow Fortress Festival performer Sudie have shared the stage numerous times on bills around Dallas/Fort Worth; what does it mean to you to now share the stage with her and acts like Run The Jewels & Purity Ring? Have you two commiserated at all since the lineup announcement? Or have you considered making guest appearances for each other's sets?*

RH: i’m happy for sudie and i’m glad she’s on the bill.  well deserved indeed! we’re just gonna cover each other’s music as our sets. “Smoodie” 

*FWN Editor's Note: Be on the lookout this Friday for our Fortress Festival interview with Sudie !!

Image via FortressFestival.com

Image via FortressFestival.com

Traditional FWN 10 Questions Interview: 

1. Dogs or Cats? Why? 

RH: why so divisive!?  purrs stir me up but who could resist a pup?

2. Aliens. Do they exist?

RH: fuck yeah aliens exist!  there’s a big evil orange one who has overtaken the white house.

3. Drug of choice? (None is not an option btw)

RH: love making

4. Brown or white gravy? (Neither is not an option btw)

RH: just so u know, i’m a proud vegan.  so my definition of gravy may be different.  i’d say brown, because i like soupy black beans.

5. Favorite weapon of mass destruction?

RH: ass-teroids

6. Favorite marsupial? 

RH: sugar gliders are the flyest marsupials. 

7. Favorite Superhero?

RH: elon musk

8. Did Dez catch it?

RH: can we just, DROP this already?

9. When you die, if you were given the choice to come back as any animal, which would you choose?

RH: i’d come back as an octopus because i am curious about the underwater life and i need four more limbs.  just don’t hunt or eat me.  i wanna live to my full potential please.

10. The best MJ is: Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, Mike Jones, or Milla Jovovich?

RH: i wouldnt be making Space Jams if michael jackson didnt inspire the music i make to make milla jovovich dance, who i have a massive mike jones for.

Image via Ronnie Heart's Facebook Page

Image via Ronnie Heart's Facebook Page


about the word writer person:

Prewitt Scott-Jackson writes Dad poetry & short fiction when he's not hyping and typing for Fort Worth Noise. His writing can be found in Ghost City Press (New York), Five 2 One Magazine (Los Angeles), Prairie Schooner (University of Nebraska Press) and Sick Lit Magazine (Texas), among others. He prefers short walks on the beach because – and I quote – “It’s really hard to walk on sand.”

10 Questions Interview - Rachel Gollay by Prewitt Scott-Jackson

Welcome to FWN's 10 Questions Interview. We are honored to have Fort Worth's Rachel Gollay join us today.

Be sure to catch Rachel live at Shipping & Receiving Saturday Feb. 25th for the Girls To The Front! concert benefiting Girls Rock Fort Worth. Click here for event details and please consider clicking here to donate to Girls Rock Fort Worth.


Image via Gollay's Facebook Page - Photo Credit: John Erwin / Band Stalker FW

Image via Gollay's Facebook Page - Photo Credit: John Erwin / Band Stalker FW

1. Dogs or Cats? Why?

Rachel: Cats in the fall and winter, dogs in the spring and summer

2. Aliens. Do they exist?

Rachel: I Want To Believe

3. Drug of choice? (None is not an option btw)

Rachel: Topo Chico

4. Brown or white gravy? (Neither is not an option btw) 

Rachel: White what?

5. Favorite weapon of mass destruction? 

Rachel: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_note

6. Favorite marsupial? 

Rachel: Kangaroo or bust

7. Favorite Superhero?

Rachel: Nancy Drew

8. Did Dez catch it?

Rachel: It caught Dez

9. When you die, if you were given the choice to come back as any animal, which would you choose? 

Rachel: Crane

10. The best MJ is: Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, Mike Jones, or Milla Jovovich?

Rachel: Marsha P. Johnson

Image via Girls To The Front! Facebook Event Page

Image via Girls To The Front! Facebook Event Page


about the word writer person:

Prewitt Scott-Jackson writes Dad poetry & short fiction when he's not hyping and typing for Fort Worth Noise. His writing can be found in Ghost City Press (New York), Five 2 One Magazine (Los Angeles), Prairie Schooner (University of Nebraska Press) and Sick Lit Magazine (Texas), among others. He prefers short walks on the beach because – and I quote – “It’s really hard to walk on sand.”